Taking Care Of Your Toe Nails

There are some people who take great pride in pampering their feet and others who don't think much past simply washing them and occasionally trimming their toe nails when they see they are too long. Everyone, but especially diabetics, should read this article so you can learn just how important it is for you to go the extra mile when it comes to taking care of your toe nails the way you should:

Wear the right type and size of shoes

Wearing the wrong type of shoes, such as ones that smash your toes together like high heels, can be bad for your toe nails, as well as other parts of your toes and feet. One of the problems this can cause is for you to develop an ingrown toenail. Another problem is it can cause toenails to grow crooked. Some people have wider feet, luckily there are wide soled shoes for those people and if you are one of them, then look specifically for these types.

Trim your toe nails correctly

You don't want to let your toe nails grow too long or you will be at risk of jamming them if you should stub your toe into something. If you stub your toe on a hard object, such as a hard piece of furniture or the corner of a wall, then longer toenails can be ripped from the toe or even crack in the middle. Not only can this cause you a lot of pain, but it can put you at risk of infection. Your feet spend a lot of time inside of socks and shoes where they sweat and are exposed to a dirty and moist environment. This is what can lead to you developing an infection in the area where your toenail has a wound in it. Keeping them shorter can help avoid these issues.

You also want to make sure you don't trim your toenails too short. If you do, then when they start to grow back out there will be more of a chance of a toenail growing wider and becoming an ingrown one. You also want to be sure you clip the entire toenail off with clippers. Don't try to pull the rest of it off if you missed a little piece or you can end up causing a tear where the nail meets the toe. This can hurt and lead to infection as well.

Contact a medical office that specializes in diabetic foot care for more information and assistance. 
