When your feet hurt, your whole life can be thrown upside down, as you try to figure out how to manage every step of the day. As you get older, though, feet can become even more of an issue, making extra TLC more important than ever.
1. Know Your Foot Size - It May Have Changed
Just because you've worn a certain size your entire life, doesn't mean you'll stay in that size forever.
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Nail fungus is a notoriously difficult problem to remedy. Not only can your nails become unsightly, but in severe cases, the nail can crumble from the nail bed and the surrounding tissue may become infected. Fortunately, there are several strategies to eliminate nail fungus.
Topical Treatments
One of the major treatments for nail fungus is to use topical medications to kill fungus. Since topical medications can take time to penetrate the nail and reach the fungus, this strategy can take more than a year before the effects are noticeable.
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If you participate in sports, either professionally or as a leisurely pastime, you may be affected at some time or another with a condition known as athlete's foot. Athlete's foot is an infection that begins with an overgrowth of fungus. It may cause an itchy rash between toes that forms blisters or peeling of the skin. This type of fungal infection is common among athletes, especially runners. There are ways to avoid this condition, such as keeping the feet dry and wearing shoes and socks that allow moisture to be wicked away.
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Stress fractures in the foot are a serious injury for runners. These fractures occur due to repetitive stress to the bone, which results in a fracture developing. This injury can take months to heal, which means no running or major activity for the damaged foot at all. The following mistakes can make the damage worse and slow healing.
#1: Ignoring persistent pain
Unlike other running injuries, which may come and go or vary in intensity, stress fractures are relatively persistent and the pain steadily increases as the fracture becomes more serious.
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For those that love to hike, a heel spur can put a definite damper on your plans. These small bony protrusions form on the underside of the heel as a result of calcium deposits. Repeated stress to the area is the likely culprit, which is why they can plague hikers and outdoor enthusiasts that spend a lot of time on their feet. The following can help you avoid bone spurs, as well as provide some relief if you already have them.
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